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... posted on Nov 11 2002, 1,116 reads


... posted on Nov 10 2002, 2,018 reads


Having dogs and cats in the household not only reduces children's risk of future pet allergies, but early exposure can also reduce many common allergies. The doctor's advice: the more cats and dogs the better. ... posted on Nov 09 2002, 1,950 reads


A northern swath of Amazon rainforest bigger than Maryland and likely containing a treasure trove of undiscovered animal, insect and plant species recently became the world's largest tropical national park. ... posted on Nov 08 2002, 2,050 reads


College students from around the country came to build solar powered buildings on the Mall in Washington – and many of these dwellings aren’t what you would expect.
... posted on Nov 07 2002, 1,951 reads


An Austrian farmer's life was saved by his clever dog, "Tschibsi", who ran 2 km, found help and returned with a rescue helicopter!... posted on Nov 06 2002, 1,000 reads


Have you ever considered a replacement for "Kill two birds with one stone"? This children's site is running a contest about it.... posted on Nov 05 2002, 1,025 reads


... posted on Nov 04 2002, 1,035 reads


... posted on Nov 03 2002, 721 reads


Bummed out that no veggie dogs were being offered on SF streets, for the sake of what she felt passionate about, Brenda Carey decided to take matters into her own hands. By giving the vendor a free trial supply of veggie dogs which she purchased with her own money, she convinced him to give them a try. Amazingly, as she was putting up the sign, a woman came and bought one!... posted on Nov 02 2002, 578 reads


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